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What is this?

YetAnotherNet is a networking library for Roblox, or rather its a library that wraps around Roblox's RemoteEvents to solve certain issues and provide new API for networking on Roblox.

Some of the issues this library solves are:

  • Overhead from RemoteEvents
  • Ordering of Networking Events
  • Lack of Type-Checking and Intellisense for working with RemoteEvents

YetAnotherNet also provides several utilities:

  • Hassle-free Buffer Compression
  • Strict Type-Checking & Auto-completion
  • Simple integration with Hooks
  • Data-driven Design
  • Middleware

You can learn more about how YetAnotherNet works and how to use it by visiting Getting Started with Routes. Or, you can keep reading to learn more about the technical details and design choices that went into creating YetAnotherNet.

Data-driven by design

One thing that separates YetAnotherNet from other networking libraries on Roblox is this key design choice. YetAnotherNet was made to work with ECS, a Data-driven approach to game design, which has influenced the design of the library largely and makes it unique from the rest.

With inspiration from Bevy_Renet, a Networking crate for use with the Bevy ECS in Rust, and another networking library on Roblox, BridgeNet2, YetAnotherNet pushes to provide similar functionality to these two libraries for ECS on Roblox.

Why go for Data-driven?

Data-driven design opposes Event-driven design, which is what you can commonly see on Roblox, such as RemoteEvents themselves. Event-driven design has it's woes, which is why we opt for ECS and generally Data-driven design.

Event-driven design is sensitive to ordering, this makes it difficult to know when you might get data from an event. To solve this, YetAnotherNet does not use Events, it encourages you to query and send data in an ordered manner frame-by-frame, preferably with ECS.

Since it's encouraged to use ECS with YetAnotherNet, though not required, we suggest reading Matter — Why ECS? by Evaera.



Net = "yetanotherclown/yetanothernet@0.8.0"

Note: Wally does not export types automatically, if you wish to use Strict Typing with YetAnotherNet, install Wally Package Types with Aftman or Foreman.

Roblox Typescript

You can find YetAnotherNet on NPM.

"@rbxts/yetanothernet": "0.8.0"