Squash is a comprehensive SerDes library which provides more extensive compression and control over the Buffer Compression of your data than the internal SerDes library within YetAnotherNet.
Why Also Use Squash
Why should you also use Squash when YetAnotherNet already has a SerDes library internally? Good Question.
YetAnotherNet's SerDes library is completely dynamic, outputting a buffer with a format that can be read without any context. With Squash, you can explicitly define the data you send and compress it without the overhead of the Internal SerDes Library's dynamic nature.
Here are some comparisons between the two from feeding them the same example data:
Data | YetAnotherNet (bytes) | Squash (bytes) |
Array | 45 | 37 |
Map | 66 | 40 |
Record | 283 | 89 |
Tuple | 88 | 31 |
Last updated 07/07/2024, size of data is subject to change.
See Data used for comparisons
local array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5.5, 6.6, -7.7, -8.9, 10.01}
local map = {
[Vector2.new(1, 2)] = Vector3.new(1, 2, 3),
[Vector2.new(4, 29)] = Vector3.new(4, 29, 33),
[Vector2.new(72, 483)] = Vector3.new(72, 483, 555),
local record = {
position = Vector2.new(287.3855, -13486.3),
health = 9,
name = "Cedrick",
poisoned = true,
items = {
{ name = 'Lantern', count = 2 },
{ name = 'Waterskin', count = 1 },
{ name = 'Map', count = 4 },
inns = {
['The Copper Cauldron'] = true,
Infirmary = true,
['His Recess'] = true,
local a, b, c, d = Vector3.new(123456789, 1, 0), CFrame.new(1, 2, 3), BrickColor.new(93), Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall
These comparisons show the scale of the tradeoff YetAnotherNet took for Dynamic compression, not to mention Squash is very well made. YetAnotherNet primarily relies on Roblox's built-in compression of Buffers when sending over the network, so it isn't as bad as it seems.
Luckily, you can use Squash with YetAnotherNet without any large overhead as it accepts buffers as valid types to send over the network!
How To Luau
local Squash = require("@packages/Squash")
local YetAnotherNet = require("@packages/YetAnotherNet")
local Route = YetAnotherNet.Route
type Route<U...> = YetAnotherNet.Route<U...>
local route: Route<number, string, boolean> = Route.new({})
local tuple = Squash.tuple(
-- Decompress
route:addIncomingMiddleware(function(_buffer: unknown)
if type(_buffer) ~= "buffer" then
return nil -- Drop packet on failed type validation
local cursor = Squash.frombuffer(_buffer)
return tuple.des(cursor)
-- Compress
route:addOutgoingMiddleware(function(number, string, boolean)
local cursor = Squash.cursor()
tuple.ser(cursor, number, string, boolean)
return Squash.tobuffer(cursor)
return {
route = route,
How To Typescript
You can find the TypeScript Types for Squash on npm.
import Squash from "@rbxts/squash";
import Route from "@rbxts/yetanothernet";
const route: Route<[number, boolean, string]> = new Route({
Channel: "Reliable",
Event: undefined,
const tuple = Squash.tuple(
// Decompress
route.addIncomingMiddleware(function (_buffer) {
if (!typeIs(_buffer, "buffer")) {
return undefined; // Drop packet on failed type validation
const cursor = Squash.frombuffer(_buffer);
return tuple.des(cursor);
// Compress
route.addOutgoingMiddleware(function (number, string, boolean) {
const cursor = Squash.cursor();
tuple.ser(cursor, number, string, boolean);
return $tuple(Squash.tobuffer(cursor));
export = {
route: route,