When designing systems in ECS, we should be mindful of the composition of systems. In a system, we will usually perform queries; add, modify, or remove data from our world, and or reconcile our data to Roblox's DataModel (such as parts in the Workspace).
It's tempting to try and fit multiple different purposes into a system to make one huge system, but it is important to give systems a single responsibility, to make them small, and to isolate their behavior.
Single Responsibility
You should design your systems to have a single responsibility. A system should not do a lot of things, you should try and split up your systems into smaller systems when you can.
When you start out writing systems, you'll probably find yourself writing large systems that do many things. You can always go back and split up your systems afterwards.
Self Contained
Systems should also be self-contained, with isolated behavior. They should be designed to not depend on other systems. If we remove a system from our game, it should only remove the behavior declared in that system.
Aim for Generic, Reusable Systems
It's commonly said that using an ECS helps to create reusable code. This is true! Especially if you aim for single-responsibility systems and design them to be generic.
Application of these Principles
Let's make a system first, and apply these principles after.
local world = require("@shared/world")
local scheduler = require("@shared/scheduler")
local interval = require("@shared/interval")
local throttle = interval(10)
local Enemy = world:component()
local Health = world:component()
local Position = world:component()
local Velocity = world:component()
local function handleEnemies()
-- Spawn enemies every 10 seconds
if throttle() then
local entity = world:entity()
world:add(entity, Enemy)
world:set(entity, Health, 100)
world:set(entity, Position,
world:set(entity, Velocity,, 0, 1))
-- Move enemies every frame
for entity, position, velocity in
world:query(Position, Velocity):with(Enemy):iter()
local deltaTime = scheduler:getDeltaTime()
world:set(entity, Position, position * deltaTime * velocity)
-- Despawn enemies with 0 health
for entity, health in world:query(Health):with(Enemy):iter()
if health == 0 then
This system handles our enemies in our game, it has 3 distinct responsibilities: spawning enemies, moving enemies, and despawning enemies.
This system will get larger as we add more logic for our enemies, such as reconciling the position to an actual model, adding cases where enemies may lose health, and other mechanics onto our enemies.
We should split this system up into multiple, single responsibility systems.
local world = require("@shared/world")
local interval = require("@shared/interval")
local throttle = interval(10)
local Enemy = world:component()
local Health = world:component()
local Position = world:component()
local Velocity = world:component()
local function spawnEnemies()
-- Spawn enemies every 10 seconds
if throttle() then
local entity = world:entity()
world:add(entity, Enemy)
world:set(entity, Health, 100)
world:set(entity, Position,
world:set(entity, Velocity,, 0, 1))
local world = require("@shared/world")
local scheduler = require("@shared/scheduler")
local Enemy = world:component()
local Position = world:component()
local Velocity = world:component()
local function moveEnemies()
-- Move enemies every frame
for entity, position, velocity in
world:query(Position, Velocity):with(Enemy):iter()
local deltaTime = scheduler:getDeltaTime()
world:set(entity, Position, position * deltaTime * velocity)
local world = require("@shared/world")
local Enemy = world:component()
local Health = world:component()
local function despawnEnemies()
-- Despawn enemies with 0 health
for entity, health in world:query(Health):with(Enemy):iter()
if health == 0 then
When designing systems, we should also think about reusability: how can you reuse a system in other parts of your game?
Well, we might want to move other models besides just Enemies. We can redesign our moveEnemies
system to be generic.
local world = require("@shared/world")
local scheduler = require("@shared/scheduler")
local Enemy = world:component()
local Position = world:component()
local Velocity = world:component()
local function moveModels()
-- Move models every frame
for entity, position, velocity in
world:query(Position, Velocity):iter()
local deltaTime = scheduler:getDeltaTime()
world:set(entity, Position, position * deltaTime * velocity)
What's Next?
Now that we know how to design Systems, we should learn more about Phase and Pipelines.