Plugins in Planck allow you to incorporate it easily into other ECS tooling and libraries.
And also, for example, instead of including the Matter topoRuntime in Planck itself, you choose whether or not to include it. This ensures you only ever get what you need.
Provided Plugins
Matter Hooks
The Matter Hooks plugin provides a way to use the Matter topoRuntime to use any hook made for Matter. This can be used with any ECS library.
The Matter Hooks Plugin can be used with any ECS library, like Jecs or ECR. If you want to still use hooks when using Matter, you must still add this Plugin to the Scheduler for hooks to work.
See the Matter Hooks page.
Matter Debugger
Matter provides a built-in Debugger, this plugin adds support for Planck.
See the Matter Debugger page.
Jabby is a Debugger for Jecs by Ukendio. This Plugin handles all setup to add the Planck Scheduler to Jabby.
See the Jabby page.
Creating Plugins
The API behind Plugins is currently unstable.
The Plugins API will continue to be undocumented until it is stable. If you want to create a Plugin, see the two provided Plugin's source code, and be warned.